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LuciusDickusMaximus Archive


Neighbor tricked me into celebrating NYE a day early so I’m sneaking alcohol to minors at his party then calling the cops


My child thought he heard Santa when it was actually my mistress


A career in lifeguarding seems a dangerous choice as most don’t seem to live past their teens.


Lifeguarding is probably very dangerous career given that an old lifeguard is a rare sight.


This is why I don’t do one night stands before sentimental holidays


[r/NoStupidQuestions] Why is celebrating Christmas considered offensive nowadays?


[r/The10thDentist] I relish being socially ostracized.


It is possible that you have run someone over and just didn’t notice


I relish being socially ostracized.


I got so hungry at work I ate every single person’s lunch, and everyone blamed the janitor