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LuciusDickusMaximus Archive


YSK that getting a tattoo does not make you tougher than me


I want to write a tragedy but nothing bad has ever really happened to me in my life...


In countries where lions roam the streets, when someone says they are going to a Pride Parade they probably have to clarify which kind.


Men probably don’t like to cry publicly because their ancestors needed good vision on the hunt and so those who cried would not survive...


TIFU by killing my tinder date and then bringing her back to life with a fly seater


Whoever said “no man is an island” has obviously never seen an overweight child trying to swim the backstroke.


A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.


Men of Reddit, why is reading books so "lame" to you?


My name is Gersai Szczw-Hue, and I am the manager of Eastern European Reddit's biggest Pakistani Commune Account (PCA). Ask me anything!


IsItBullshit: Sugar Isn't Sweet Until It Is Exposed To Air?