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LuciusDickusMaximus Archive


[QUESTION] Gmin7 chord gives my wife heartburn?


What's a book I can give to my boyfriend that will hint to him that he needs to be a better communicator?


David Bowie's cameo in Dairy of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules (2011) was a reference to the lyric "Oh yeah, I'm a wimpy kid / Oh yeah, we rule the world!" from Bowie's hit song "Candidates."


[QUESTION] How to become the best man?


As a guy who's been in the industry for 15 years PLEASE STOP DOING THIS!!!!


They apsolutely knew


Breaking Bad: In S2E12 (Phoenix), an expired CPR certificate is shown on walter's kitchen, hence why he couldn't save Jane later in the episode


The detail in this show is amazing... in S2E12 (Phoenix), an expired CPR certificate is shown on walter's kitchen, hence why he couldn't save Jane later in the episode


This got me through my divorce thought I’d share :(


Starting out in CBT, what equipment is recommended