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LuciusDickusMaximus Archive


Bullying is looked down upon but without bullying people like Bill Gates would have never developed the complexes that allow them to succeed.


Ex-classmate who fucked me over gets his


Is it really true that if a cop doesn't read you your Mahranda Rights, the case is dismissed?


We often forget that our uncles want us to succeed least out of all of our family.


TIFU by taking a bet with my uncle


[Question] XPOST From TrueOffMyChest: Should I take this bet? What are the p values and shit


My uncle offered me a bet. If I win he will pay off my student loans. Should I take it?


My uncle offered me a bet. If I win he will pay off my student loans. Should I take it?


All the cash I made this month (Only 22 y/o) looks like an Irish tidal wave.


Just printed an exact replica of an iPhone 12. Hoping to scam some poor fools on ebay today 😂😂😂