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LuciusDickusMaximus Archive


IsItBullshit: When a service dog comes up to you alone, it means it’s owner is in distress and it wants you to follow it.


IsItBullshit: Orange Peels belong in the recycling?


IsItBullshit: There is no scientific proof that women can actually orgasm?


I accidentally ruined my Tinder date's life and I don't really feel bad about it


My aunt just shared this on FB... What a fucking hag


If I can hold after losing more than half of my own mother's retirement savings, so can you. I’ll make her a millionaire by March DIAMOND HANDS💎 💎💎🚀🚀🚀 BUY THE DIP


Best Latex Catwoman costume?(under $100)


Hi Reddit, I’m Hollywood acter Tom Cruise. Ask me anything


My ex wife laughed and said Id never be able to cook for myself. Who’s laughing now?


Right before German Mother's Day, Redditor happens to make post about mothers.