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LuciusDickusMaximus Archive


Is this even a question anymore?


Meesa Bar Bar Jinks


Prequelmemes has become such shit


You made Padme turn against me! You did that by yourself.


Why is it considered impolite to snap at a waiter, but a waiter who spills wine on your crotch "just had a long day"?


Before we invented alcohol, there probably was a lot less drunk texting


I was the first trombonist in the history of Serbia to play a high G#. Ama!


Food probably gets stuck in our teeth because our ancestors were less likely to be provoked by predators if they had a display of an animal they just killed in their mouth.


First meme I made since coming to US from Poland. Have a nice day! Thanks you.


What's the episode where Jan reveals that she accidentally killed Hunter during intense sexual foreplay? Season 7 or 8 i think