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Someone saying they only have eyes for someone else can also mean that the only reason they have eyes is to be able to look at them.


The phrase "l only have eyes for you" can also mean "the only reason l have eyes is to look at you."


The phrase "Ionly have eyes for you" can also mean "the only reasonI have eyes is to look at you."


TIFU by... well, fucking U.P. and potentially fucking up her marriage


My intrusive thoughts are starting to ruin my life


In Casino Royal (2006), the dealer reveals a nine, an eight, and a five. Later in the film, Bond drives exactly 98.5 miles per hour when he discovers Vesper has been kidnapped.


FLUFF: Season Four's Episode "Moon and Monsters", which featured two TARDISes, was originally named "RE:TARDIS" before the producers caught on to the accidentally offensive nature of the name.


I'm a soundcloud rapper who is one gig from really blowing up. Ask me anything before I'm too big for you lot.


AmI the asshole for destroyingmy exhusbands life


My grandpa sent me this logic puzzle and me and six friends (all 4th year law students) couldn't figure it out. Are you smarter than us?