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LuciusDickusMaximus Archive


I am Jozef Heidburg, a guy who asked out literally every single girl at my 15,000 person high school and got rejected by every single one. AMA!


If you have drinken a beer in the past two days, you are 50% beer and 25% air.


People love high-rise views, but we are naturally afraid of heights.


Every human is responsible for climate change and therefore everyone should be tortured for 15 minutes a day in reparation.


ELI5: Why do humans not have a spare eye like cars have spare tires?


These days, it is acceptable to run naked through the streets in every country but not to walk naked.


AITA for destroying my elderly neighbor's daisy garden for revenge?


I (17M) and my SO (31F) disagree about when our first child should be born


If I cheated on a guy, how long till I ask him to take me back?


Do all you guys get hard when you are faced with a really difficult math equation?