Every year these kids come back with a new annoying quirk… “coin boys” are apparently the new thing
TIFU by maybe accidentally inviting my plumber over for Thanksgiving
TIFU by thinking the phrase was “Lame Ann’s Terms”
TIFU by telling a Slavic tourist “we don’t allow your kind in here”
I am Jerrick Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadams, the man who legally added a lot of A's to my name at age 18 so I would appear first on any alphabetized list. Ask me anything!
Did I correctly tell my building’s super to turn the bidet water heat up to 95?
Does anyone have diving equipment to borrow or any information about the June 9th I-10 bridge crash?
I got so hungry at work I ate every single person’s lunch, and everyone blamed the janitor
My uncle offered me a bet. If I win he will pay off my student loans. Should I take it?
Wife threatened to leave five star reviews saying our waitress allowed underage drinkers. AITA for pledging to never take her out again?
You're when kid a, don't you grow realize you're watching also parents your up grow.
Because in but if and so, cannot become when whereas we if in.
If the most common toothpaste flavor was onion, we'd probably associate freshness with onions.
Redditor tries to pass of burn mark as fingering scar, gets called out by literally everyone
Man who didn't open door for a woman behind him got the perfect dish of revenge as the door closed on him and severed his arm
Was fingering a girl I met at the bar last night and woke up to this on my hand
The fact that humans know the chemical formula to make water, yet choose not to, says a lot about society.
I just found a shotgun shell in my feces. AMA.
In Good Will Hunting (1997), Will's notebook is full of very basic math, suggesting the whole movie is his delusion.
The Kissing Booth is better than any Hitchcock film, but people won't admit it because they think older is better.
You're when kid a, don't you grow realize you're watching also parents your up grow.
Because in but if and so, cannot become when whereas we if in.
If the most common toothpaste flavor was onion, we'd probably associate freshness with onions.
Redditor tries to pass of burn mark as fingering scar, gets called out by literally everyone
Man who didn't open door for a woman behind him got the perfect dish of revenge as the door closed on him and severed his arm
Was fingering a girl I met at the bar last night and woke up to this on my hand
The fact that humans know the chemical formula to make water, yet choose not to, says a lot about society.
I just found a shotgun shell in my feces. AMA.
In Good Will Hunting (1997), Will's notebook is full of very basic math, suggesting the whole movie is his delusion.
The Kissing Booth is better than any Hitchcock film, but people won't admit it because they think older is better.