LuciusDickusMaximus's reddit snoovatar

LuciusDickusMaximus Archive


Starting your post with "Don't get me wrong" makes me want to gag.


Eyeballs probably taste like hard boiled eggs


Sleeping with the lights on is actually better.


Mens of Reddit, do you like it when us girls give you papercuts on your privates?


I am Leo Shultz, an 80 IQ individual currently attending Princeton. Ama.


TIFU by eating my dad's underwear


[THEORY] Rick and Morty are metaphors for Zeus and Poseidon


We are so certain about all of our knowledge yet no one knew the Sun revolved around the Earth until the Moon Landing.


I think my roommate (19M) is diluting my (20M) vodka with hand-sanitizer and water.


Advice to give to all on r/relationship_advice